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“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right”. __Henry Ford

This quote from an automobile magnate, Henry Ford is a perfect piece to convey my opinion. Most people believed in the ideology that “less-confident people are more successful”. So archaic!!! The basis of this supposition was that people with low confidence work harder and thus, are more successful. I strongly disagree with this assertion (or should I call it supposition). True, the word confidence and arrogance are two words separated by a thin line. However, there is an essential difference between the behaviors of people who exhibit them.

Confidence is simple believing in yourself, trusting in your own abilities and believing you can do whatever you set your mind to do. As given by Psychology dictionary, it is; ” Our self-assurance in trusting our own capabilities, judgments; belief that can meet the demands of a task”

What you belief and think about yourself goes a very long way in determining, your life’s output. The world revolving outside you is a result of your inner mindset and idea. An emission created from within that tends to penetrate your thoughts, feelings and actions. A person need not possess the power of reading minds before he/she knows what you feel about yourself, your actions portrays your portrait.

Arrogance on the other hand is characterized by a hyperbolized sense of your importance or abilities. An arrogant individual avoids learning from other. That individual contends to prove everyone wrong instead of seeing the wrong in them. Arrogance and confidence have superposing properties. They both require playing a game you are not sure of winning.

A lot of people mistake confidence for arrogance, thereby shutting down people who really have a lot to offer. However, in confidence, even when people reject your ideas or even castigate you, some will deliver meaningful, thoughtful criticism. The more you dismiss people as incapable of understanding your ideas due to consistent turn down, the easier it becomes for them to see your confidence as arrogance. Instead of sitting down with someone to search for common ground, you can sit down with them and try to rapidly figure out whether they have a predisposition to understanding you.

Empathy differentiates between confidence and arrogance. Your ability to understand, thought, feelings or emotional starts of another person differentiates arrogance from confidence. When you understand that every human in earth is a potential convert than confidence is displayed.

When a person possesses confidence, there is surely a gateway for success through the person’s


Someone who is confident is not shy or does not feel inferior. They strike out anew even when people around them are still pondering.


Confidence allows you to stand up for yourself in a fair and consistent manner. Otherwise, you may find yourself unheard or unfairly treated as seen in cases if bull.


Lack of confidence can cause paralysis. People tend to fail before placing their hands in the plough. A person who is not confident cannot rake risk, therefore cannot succeed. A tendency to mull over worries and perceived mistakes can be very damaging to your social life. A higher level of confidence can help avoid giving into anxiety, break out of the cycle of overthinking and embrace your full potential. You then will be able to explore new roles and ideas as well as follow your goals without worrying about how others may perceive about you.


Confident individuals set bars higher and aim for the top. Lack of self-confidence thereby leads to setting low standards and mediocre result.  In confidence, you can know your limitations and put them to a test. You are stronger than you think.


No matter the challenges, a confident person still believes in success, they believe in their ability to scale through and become successful. When you feel confident in whom you are. What you stand for, and what your strengths are, you can maintain a strong sense of self-worth despite setbacks or perceived weaknesses. In other words, an inbuilt winning spirit is downloaded in you. Toma’s Chamorro-Premuzix once wrote and I quote, “lack of confidence results in inaction and not standing up for yourself”.


At times stepping beyond the edge of confidence (over confidence) leads to the display of arrogance. However, success can never be achieved when you do not believe in your inner strength and power. Through confidence you can know the power within you, be empathic. Beyond the skies lies your resting place.