The Students populace of the University of Ibadan is reputed to be relatively passive, especially when it comes to social participation and extra-curricular involvements. Maybe that is just a stereotype; maybe there are no statistical backings to that claim.  Maybe as an institution that prides herself on facts, we could disregard all the signs in the air in deference to absence of statistics. However, it is almost unarguable that the Faculty of the Basic Medical Sciences has some of the most uninvolved student populace in the University community. Of course, that is also no factual assertion. It is an inference from a series of observed trends, both on the inside and outside the faculty. Till these signs disappear, it is at least safe to stick to that inference, don’t you think?

Of a truth, the Basic Medical Sciences can boast of some of the smartest hoard of individuals in the university. The reality of participation however is a denial to the existence of that body of intelligentsia the faculty claims to house. In this piece, the BAMSSA press explores the factors that contribute to this relative passiveness and the possible corrective mechanisms the executive body have employed. On the same note, it is a call to action and an awakening of the consciousness of the students of this faculty to the grand scheme of things.

NOTE: Participation in this context is all encompassing: social activities, student organizations, hackathons, creativity contests, journalism, and etcetera.


The observed trend of participatory deficit can definitely be attributed to a couple of things. What are these things and how deep do they affect the students awareness and by extension, their interests?

THE FACULTY IS RELATIVELY NEW (AND SMALL) – The faculty of the Basic Medical sciences is relatively young. Due to that, it is quite natural to expect a slightly lower level of involvement in the scheme of events. It would be reasonable to consider that development is in stages. You know, kids don’t just grow to be adults in one day. Conclusively, we could say that the faculty still needs time to integrate with the rest of the world. On the same vein, the apparent low level of participation could also be attributed to the number. As it stands, the faculty can only boast of three departments, one of which is situated in UCH. Besides, the average class in the Faculty can barely boast of 50 students.

This is especially important in the context of political participation. It is logical to attribute lack of enthusiasm to the limited number of voter pool in the faculty. Of course, the school’s semi democracy is typically a function of numbers and popularity. Visibility as they say is proportional to number. By the implication of that, it is quite understandable if in a sample of active participants, the group with the lowest population appears least.  

THE NATURE OF THE DEPARTMENTS – This is another undeniable factor that contributes to the relative conservative behavior of BAMSSA students. Understandably, most of the faculty’s activities revolve around academics, laboratory and seminars. The classes are relatively fixed up with little or no space at one point on the ladder or another. Aside from these, there is a relative tediousness that accompanies the sort of courses the students take.

On that note, there would be a participatory advantage for a student in a faculty that encourages outside class participation. For instance, it would not be surprising to find a student of the Faculty of technology is a hackathon. It would not be too surprising to find a student of the Arts in a journalism conference or a community event. Of course, this reason is not absolute. However, a consideration of individual differences and the relative absence of breathing space give it enough credibility.

Caveat: This is not to undermine the intensity of work done by students in other faculties. The above is by no means a system of placing faculties in a hierarchy of intensity.

SOME ARE NOT JUST AWARE – All in all, we cannot totally rule out the space of lack of awareness. In a conversation between the BAMSSA press correspondent and some students in the faculty, two things were discovered. The first being that, some individuals totally lack interest in any other thing aside from academics. The second; some are totally ignorant of the existence student communities and student empowerment structures. A chunk of students with aptitude for some activities don’t get to know about these things right from the onset.


It is impossible to alienate governance and leadership in discourses of collective interest. At this point, it is pertinent to recognize and highlight some of the innovative schemes of the current executive body. Although, the motive behind these initiatives may be different, they are brilliant ideas when viewed in the context of Faculty integration and promoting participation. Here are some of those initiatives;

THE VIRTUOUS MAGAZINE – From the surface level, the virtuous magazine primarily projects students of the faculty that have blazed trails in different fields. However, on deeper examination of the effects of that project, it has done more. It has been instrumental in directing the consciousness of students to the existence of other engagements asides physiology, biochemistry or medical lab science. It successfully established to the whole faculty populace that our brilliance is needed in just more than our class works.

THE BAMSSA RESEARCH HUB – Finally, something that leverages on the strength of the faculty structure. Initiatives like the BAMSSA research hub have the potential to help students overcome the deficit in the practical experiences created by the system of lecture. Other than that, it could be instrumental in landing fellowships and scholarship opportunities. It could also be an avenue that opens the eyes of the students to career paths and competitions in their respective field of study (things considered rare for paramedicals).

THE BAMSSA SDG HUB – The BAMSSA SDG hub is another scheme that has the potential of driving integration and showcasing the dexterity of BAMSSAITE to the world. This is especially true if we consider the relevance of SDGs to the world and to individual career pursuits. It is the perfect avenue to give back society and by extension an avenue for personal development. It is also an avenue for direct participation and interaction with esteemed student organizations. To a good extent, it could be the optimal place to get involved.


As against what many may believe, it is not impossible to get BAMSSAITE involved in running things. First, it is important that the executive body step up the orientation game in subsequent sessions. At the time of integrating new students into the Faculty, they could be exposed to the myriad of opportunities that they could leverage on in the university community.

Finally, one could only lead a horse to the stream; no one can definitely force the horse to drink. However, if the horse refuses to drink, na who come lose like that? Dear BAMSSAITE, there are a myriad of things inside and outside the faculty that are important to your personal development and by extension, your career. If you need the skills and network that will make you market ready, you can find it right here in the University. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET INVOLVED, for your own sake and towards a better faculty. Aluta Continua!